Be a Youth Video Brigadeer!

Here is the proposed “schedule” for the ACME youth video brigade meetings.

-WE will work in teams, so if you are nervous about asking questions we can make it work.
-If you have never touched a camera before we will show you how.
-Please spend some time going to a workshop or two,the schedule is packed check it out:

Friday at 5:00pm: Initial meet and greet for all who CAN attend near the registration table outside of the Adirondack Ballroom at the Wyndham. We will find a spot from there where we can begin to shape up our work for the weekend of the conference. We will have two cameras on hand to play with and maybe get a couple of shots of the evenings activities/talks etc. The bulk of the conference will be taking place elsewhere so we won’t do any editing here.

Saturday 9:00am Meet in the Media Lab (IDX building at Champlain College off of the Fireplace lounge) Orient the newbies and assign equipment. Go get material! At each of our initial meetings we will spenmd some time developing frames that we can use to get the most out of in camera editing. Begin thinking about choreographing short 3-5minute pieces that you could do at the conference.

  • What kind of shoes do media educators wear?
  • Ask conference keynotes to tell you their absolute favorite teen read.
  • Ask at least 10 conference participants to tell you the most important piece of legislation they think needs to be passed in the upcoming year.
  • Film reaction shots at workshops.
  • ETC… these are some IDEAS, you have more and we will use them to make finished videos.

All day Saturday someone will be on hand to help send out folks with cameras, come up with ideas for short videos and edit the material you bring back. It is key that before you push the red button on the camera that you begin to think about a story that you want to tell or we will have a hard time editing in such a short time. Any one with proficiency or interest in editing is also welcome to join us, we are using Final Cut Express. We will “close” the media lab around 5pm and finish up for the day. If people have a BURNING desire to keep going we can talk.

Sunday 10:00am Meet in the Media Lab all together, Orient newbies again and get to work. Same stuff as Saturday but we will close up closer to 4:00pm
The more ideas you bring, the closer we are to posting our videos or pictures and sharing them with the conference attendees and the world.

IT IS NOT TOO LATE to sign up. It is FREE to participate (get’s you into the conference). to register

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